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作为国际摩联 Moto2™ 世界锦标赛的独家发动机供应商,凯旋为所有车队提供采用赛车专用调校设定的 765cc 三缸发动机,而这款发动机正是基于 Street Triple RS 的动力装置改进而来。经过改进后,发动机进气更顺畅,转速更高,峰值功率输出超过 140 马力(较量产机型提升 17% 以上)。

鉴于 Moto2 竞争激烈,人才济济,凯旋和 Dorna 决定联手创办凯旋 Triple Trophy 大奖赛,与世界锦标赛同时进行,冠军将在赛季结束时获得为个人定制的凯旋 Street Triple RS。

凯旋和 MotoGP 根据车手在每个比赛周末的突出表现选出三位入围车手,然后车迷们在 Instagram 上的 MotoGP 官方账号中投票选出他们最喜爱的车手。就 765cc 发动机组别而言,车迷最喜爱的车手可获得 7 分,得票数第二高的车手可获得 6 分,第三高的车手则可获得 5 分。


2024 赛季

2024 赛季是凯旋摩托车作为 Moto2™ 赛事独家发动机供应商的第六个赛季。

在过去的五年中,凯旋 765cc 三缸动力系统重塑了这一组别的格局,随着其不断发展演进,Moto2 赛事的单圈记录不断被打破,由凯旋发动机驱动的 Moto2 赛车也越来越接近 MotoGP 赛车,这也令 Moto2 成为 MotoGP 的一个重要程度日益提升补充系列赛,同时也成为下一代 MotoGP 超级巨星的成长平台。




2024 年,凯旋 Triple Trophy 大奖赛推出一项最佳车手票选活动,获胜者将首次由车迷选出。

每个分站赛结束后,一支由凯旋和 MotoGP 官方派出代表组成的评选小组将选出周末比赛中最出色的三位车手,然后,车迷们在 Instagram 上的 MotoGP 官方账号中投票选出他们最心目中的最佳车手。

赛季结束时,票选活动获胜者的冠军将获得一辆个人专属定制的凯旋 Street Triple RS。

Moto2 Race




2024 赛季

2024 赛季是凯旋摩托车作为 Moto2™ 赛事独家发动机供应商的第六个赛季。

在过去的五年中,凯旋 765cc 三缸动力系统重塑了这一组别的格局,随着其不断发展演进,Moto2 赛事的单圈记录不断被打破,由凯旋发动机驱动的 Moto2 赛车也越来越接近 MotoGP 赛车,这也令 Moto2 成为 MotoGP 的一个重要程度日益提升补充系列赛,同时也成为下一代 MotoGP 超级巨星的成长平台。




PEDRO ACOSTA 问鼎凯旋 Triple Trophy 大奖赛

凯旋 Triple Trophy 大奖赛冠军由 Pedro Acosta 夺得,这位西班牙车手本赛季表现出色,一举拿下世界锦标赛冠军、凯旋 Triple Trophy 大奖赛冠军以及明年的 MotoGP 组别席位。 

Triumph Triple Trophy Pedro Acosta and Steve Sargent


2023 年,凯旋 765cc 三缸动力系统凭借更高的转速、更强的动力和更优的性能,帮助 Moto2 赛事创造了 23 项新的分站赛单圈记录和赛事历史单圈记录。

2023 年,凯旋对 765cc 三缸发动机进行了多项改进,现在发动机在整个转速范围的动力水平均得到提升,最高转速限制为 14400 转每分(增加了 400 转每分),令赛车得以拥有更加强大的性能和加速表现。



车手 Fermin Aldeguer 在瓦伦西亚举行的 2023 赛季收官战中取得四连胜,成为历史上第二位在 Moto2 世界锦标赛中创造四连胜战绩的车手,并以第三名的好成绩完成了当赛季。

车手 Tony Arbolino 取得 2023 赛季总成绩亚军,这位意大利车手在当赛季的开局阶段势头强劲,并证明了雨天高手的美誉,但未能抓住机会提前夺冠。

最终,车手 Pedro Acosta 以整个赛季 7 个分站赛冠军和 14 次登上领奖台的成绩加冕 2023 赛季 Moto2 世界锦标赛冠军,他还以总共 10 个分站赛冠军的成绩刷新了自己作为凯旋车队车手的历史记录。这位年轻的西班牙小将现已晋级为 MotoGP 车手,并已在顶级赛事中再次证明了自己的过人天赋。



凯旋 Triple Trophy 大奖赛

凯旋 Triple Trophy 大奖赛的冠军有史以来首次由曾问鼎 Moto2 世界锦标赛的车手夺得,这位车手便是 Pedro Acosta,他凭借 3 次杆位成绩和 8 次最快圈速的骄人成绩,赢得了个人专属定制的 Street Triple RS,充分展示了出色能力。


凯旋摩托车延长与 MOTO2™ 的合作关系

凯旋摩托车与国际摩联 Moto2™ 世界锦标赛已与签订一份新合同,将在 2025 至 2029 年的五个赛季中继续担任其独家发动机供应商,此举也将使凯旋连续十年为 Moto2 车队提供动力系统,帮助车队车手依靠开创性的 765cc 三缸发动机不断创造佳绩。

2022 season


Going into race day, there were two riders still in contention for the Triumph Triple Trophy, Jeremy Alcoba and Celestino Vietti. Alonso Lopez scored six points for his record-breaking pole lap in Saturday’s qualifying and there were just points left to score for best race progression and fastest lap.

This meant Jeremy Alcoba still topped the Triumph Triple Trophy table after scoring top points for best race progression an impressive six times this year, making up over 10 places in four of those.

Moto2 Triumph 2022

2021 season

The 2021 Moto2 World Championship season was another record-breaker. As the Triumph 765cc triple continued to redefine the class with another 16 new race lap and outright lap records, the remarkable Raul Fernandez set a new record of eight victories in a rookie season on his way to winning the Triumph Triple Trophy. In a show of gratitude, he gave the award of a custom-liveried Street Triple RS to his father in thanks for all he’s done to support Raul’s career.

After the third thrilling season of Moto2 powered by Triumph, it was Remy Gardner who took the 2021 World Championship crown at the last round by just four points.

Moto2 british gp race

2020 season

Eight lap records were broken in 2020, with seven different Moto2™ Grand Prix winners. Eleven new outright circuit lap records set, smashing the benchmarks already redefined by Triumph 765cc triple power during 2019.

A new World Champion in Enea Bastianini, crowned from a title fight that went to the very last race of the season and where Luca Marini and Sam Lowes in second and third finished tied on points. Over 200,000 kilometres of flat-out racing over a condensed season of 15 rounds, 14 of which (with the exception of the opener in Qatar) were squeezed into just four relentless months

Moto2 british GP 2020

2019 season

Triumph’s inaugural year was a record-breaking debut: 16 circuit lap records and 18 circuit top speeds were claimed from the 19 races, as well as the first ever +300km/h Moto2™ top speeds. The Triumph 765cc triple powerplant redefined the class.

Moto2 british GP 2019


The Triumph-engineered 140PS+ race-tuned 765cc Triple engine exclusively powers the Moto2™ World Championship.

Close up of Triumph Moto2 motorcycle engine




To celebrate the closeness of the competition in Moto2™, Triumph and Dorna run the ‘Triumph Triple Trophy #PoweredByTriumph’.

Jeremy Alcoba on his Custom Livery Triumph Street Triple




In the first major change to the Moto2™ category since 2019, the Triumph 765cc triple engine continues to revolutionise the class:

  • 14 different race winners
  • Lap records set at 34 GPs and counting, including records which have been broken and re-broken year-on-year
  • The first ever 300+ km/h Moto2 top speed recorded at Mugello 2019.
  • And a new 301.8 km/h all-time Moto2 speed record was set in Phillip Island
  • Over 650,000 km of flat-out racing
Moto2 race 2021




Powered by Moto2™ race engine evolution, for the highest performance, highest specification and most agile Street Triple line-up ever.

Triumph Street Triple 765 Moto2



racing pedigree

The Moto2™ engine represents a milestone in Triumph’s international racing history.

For more than a century, race winners, record holders, and icons of the starting grid have chosen Triumph.

Moto2 race



clothing collection

Celebrate Triumph being the exclusive engine supplier to all FIM Moto2™ World Championship teams with this range of authentic casual wear clothing.

Triumph moto2 clothing collection